Last December 17 and 18, the main cast of My Bebe Love #KiligPaMore held promotional mall shows in Cebu and Davao. We were kept updated on the behind-the-scenes through fans’ Instagram and Maine Mendoza’s Snapchat posts. That’s where we first saw her latest crazy stint, what she calls the bouquetserye. She even tweeted about this:
Made this bouquet of tissue roses because…. tengga ? I am so proud of myself! #artsandcraftsbymaine #lol
— Maine Mendoza (@mainedcm) December 17, 2015
My bouquet gives me life right now. I am so weird, I know. #sorrynotsorry #bouquetserye — Maine Mendoza (@mainedcm) December 18, 2015
Find out where Maine’s prized bouquet came from through @iamdivinaursula’s captured videos from Snapchat.
If you want to get updated about this crazy bouquet series, follow Maine on Snapchat @divinaursula 🙂