Who do you think is hotter between the former race car driving rivals, Marlon Stockinger or Matteo Guidicelli?

In their most recent TV guesting on “Gandang Gabi Vice,” the two friends shared their experiences competing against each other during their younger years. Both boast winning different championships in the Philippines and abroad.

Now that they are both grown ups, Marlon continues to raise the flag for the country in global racing competitions, while Matteo chose another path as an actor and as a triathlete.

Join our poll below and help us decide who is better in the looks department. Is it the Fil-Swiss champ Marlon or the Fil-Italian hunk Matteo? 

Marlon Stockinger vs. Matteo Guidicelli

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Photo Gallery:

Marlon Stockinger Topless
Marlon Stockinger

Marlon Stockinger Racing Marlon Stockinger Racing Champion Marlon Stockinger Race Car Driver Marlon Stockinger Race Car Driver Champion



Matteo Guidicelli fashion shoot
Matteo Guidicelli

matteo guidicelli travel Matteo Guidicelli Triathlete matteo guidicelli young boy





















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Dining: Angelfields Nature Sanctuary, Silang, Cavite

About Author

RandomRepublika.com: Paolo Avis

Living abroad for more than half a decade now, Paolo works in Singapore as a sales and marketing manager for a luxury travel publication. His creative urges can’t always be contained, hence photography, video documentaries, and blogging are his go-to forms of artistic release. Since he didn’t get to pursue TV production after getting a degree in Communication, Paolo now turns to Random Republika as an outlet to keep himself updated and to share his thoughts on what’s happening in showbiz and beyond. Follow his other stories via Instagram (@bigbluefish).

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