Showbiz friends of top celebrity stylist Liz Uy showed her support and seem to be empowered by her legal battle with blogger FashionPulis, Michael Sy Lim. The libel and defamation cases she filed against the famous showbiz blogger were said to include the post accusing her of making Eat Bulaga’s Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza wear an allegedly recycled gown. The said post and a consecutive one earned the ire of readers and numerous negative comments and bashing ensued. Liz sought the help of senatorial candidate and known lawyer to some stars, Atty. Lola Kapunan. She filed the cases earlier at the Makati Prosecutor’s Office.

Check out what Liz Uy’s friends in the business have to say regarding her Stop the Hate campaign:

@lizzzuy ‘s message to @fashionpulis: “#stopthehate” #CelebrityAksyon

A photo posted by Mj Marfori (@mjmarfori) on

As a former fashion editor, I was trained to uphold FAIR and RESPONSIBLE journalism at all times. When I transitioned into celebrity styling and accidentally became a public figure myself, I learned to embrace that being scrutinized by the public is part and parcel of that position. However, sometimes things can be taken too far and place me in a bad light, discrediting my hard work, my team, and my styling company. I am not the first victim—many others have chosen to remain silent. I could have done the same, but in the end, I realized that if we always let him get away with cyber bullying, then he will continue to propagate untruthful claims and malicious gossip on his blog and social media accounts. Thank you to everyone who has expressed their support. I am fighting this battle not just for myself, but for every single person—celebrity and otherwise—who has been bashed relentlessly and unfairly. #StopTheHate A photo posted by Liz Uy (@lizzzuy) on

There is a fine line between honest journalism and deceptive manipulation. I know of many dignified journalists who work endless hours in their undying attempts to uphold the truth, as it is their responsibility to deliver it to the public. Twisting facts, or inventing false accusations altogether, is not the mark of a true journalist. What have we learned from the Filipinos in the past—who shed blood and tears and fought hard for their right to be heard—if we continue to use that acquired freedom in ways that hurt and dishonor other people? Social responsibility comes in when you use your status in society for the benefit and the greater good of those around you, as opposed to abusing your power and using your resources to purposely bring others down. All of us, regardless of who we are and what we do, need to start practicing respect once again.. #stoptheHATE and stop glorifying anything that was made to bring other people down. I know we all aren’t clean. We are all both victims and bullies in our own ways, which is why this needs to start with ourselves. Say #NOtocyberbullying!

A photo posted by Coleen Garcia ? (@coleengarcia) on

Stop cyber bullying!!! ❌ @lizzzuy A photo posted by bea alonzo (@beaalonzo) on

Game face. #StopTheHate A photo posted by isabelledaza (@isabelledaza) on

Lets all be responsible. No nega! ❤️ #StopTheHate

A photo posted by Nadine Lustre (@nadzlustre) on

Go Lizzy! A photo posted by Jessy Mendiola (@senorita_jessy) on

#StopTheHate spread the love nalang guys ❤️❤️❤️ Sa love tayo, Lizarda! @lizzzuy

A photo posted by Divine Lee (@divinemlee) on

Posting this in support of fair and responsible journalism and ethical behavior online. #StopTheHate A photo posted by Paulo Avelino (@pauavelino) on

NO TO CYBER BULLYING!! #StopTheHate ✋? A photo posted by Ruffa Gutierrez (@iloveruffag) on

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Liz Uy files Libel Case Against Fashion PULIS' Michael Lim, friend Isabelle Daza Supports Her


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