THRILLER NIGHT. I’ve been spending my last few weeks with the Filipino Dance Club (FDC) in Singapore and they’ve been helping me a lot when it comes to mastering my skills in dance with various routines — whether they are for corporate dinner-and-dance events or for flash mobs.

But the most thrilling performance I’ve had so far was held over the weekend when we had to dance in front of a big crowd as zombies for Halloween @ Clarke Quay. As a fan of ‘The Walking Dead’ series, I’ve always wanted to become a zombie myself. It looks fun, plus it entails a lot of room for creativity in acting as one.

More than going up on stage, the preparation we all invested on for make-up and costumes make it all even more remarkable.

Check out some of our zombified photos below:









Watch our performance up on stage:

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About Author Paolo Avis

Living abroad for more than half a decade now, Paolo works in Singapore as a sales and marketing manager for a luxury travel publication. His creative urges can’t always be contained, hence photography, video documentaries, and blogging are his go-to forms of artistic release. Since he didn’t get to pursue TV production after getting a degree in Communication, Paolo now turns to Random Republika as an outlet to keep himself updated and to share his thoughts on what’s happening in showbiz and beyond. Follow his other stories via Instagram (@bigbluefish).

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