Fans for fans this summer! Here’s a mini throwback to the downloadable files I shared in April 2016* to join our supportive AlDub fan-followers in celebrating Maine Mendoza’s 22nd birthday.


1) Print out any of the templates below.

2) Stick the printout on a sturdy piece of cardboard (Recyclable materials like cereal boxes or old folders are readily available).

3) Cut into shape.

*for AlDub’s 9th monthsary which fell on a Saturday

DOWNLOAD (PDF files are downloadable in the link below):

Download PDFs HERE.

More artworks in my personal Slice of K Instagram page.

See also  Well-loved Pinoy artists live this April at Market! Market!

WATCH: Robi Domingo Admits He's Still Hurting Over Breakup with Gretchen Ho, Denies Pursuing Sandara Park


Workshop Alert: The Winning Image Personality Development Workshop [March 11]

About Author Kate Adajar

Despite being in the field of brand marketing, Kate still nurtures her love for the arts through dabbling in creative hobbies such as illustration, visual design, makeup artistry, and cake decorating. Recently, she has also discovered a fondness for watercolor painting and calligraphy.

A self-confessed TV, lifestyle, and travel junkie, Kate utilizes Random Republika as a venue for her random thoughts and discoveries.

Follow my food and other random doodles via @sliceofk on Instagram.

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