I must have sung the line, “Dan..dan..dan…DALANDAN!,” more than ten times today.:) Oh my gosh, Nesfruta’s newest commercial is super loaded with cuteness as they got mother and daughter Cheska and Kendra Kramer as endorsers. Those #Kendrasuperstar moments when little Kendra said, “For real?” and slid down a gigantic dalandan were definitely gigil triggers. (Edited photo courtesy of Nestle Philippines)

WATCH the TVC here to see for yourself!

 Video courtesy of Youtube ’14 Comedy Club
Random Note:
Cheska and Kendra are guest hurados on It’s Showtime this week! 🙂
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Music Lover? Coca-Cola Gives YOU a Treat! :)


Who Did It Better: Maja Salvador's Dahan-Dahan vs. Sarah Geronimo's Ikot-Ikot

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