Celebrity makeup artist and talent manager* RB Chanco is no newbie to bringing out the best in women when it comes to makeup. She does makeup for  the big names in the industry including ABS-CBN’s Chief Content Officer and award-winning actress Charo Santos-Concio. Two days ago, RB took to Instagram the joy of having had a role in Miss France Iris Mittenaere‘s Miss Universe 2016 win. Through a photo she posted, RB shared the story that the newly crowned Miss Universe patiently lined up and waited for her turn to be dolled up for the main event (RB also did the makeup of some candidates).  Miss France sure did love the celebrity makeup artist’s work on her face because RB was also responsible for her look during the preliminary competition.

*RB is the aunt and talent manager of Hashtags member and Kapamilya star Ronnie Alonte.


Today is truly a momentous day of my life, especially in my career. I wish I could do the make-up of all the lovely girls particularly the ones who trusted me since day 1. But the great story today is about the gracious lady, who approached me with gratefulness, who willingly waited, and once again given me her trust for the final event. An event that will start a significant change & journey in her life. #MissFrance Iris Mittenaere @irismittenaeremf, it’s my turn to say thank you for making this day more wonderful for me, and it gives me pleasure and pride to have #RBeautified the 2016 #MissUniverse! Je vous remercie et je t’aime! Vive la France! #RBconquersTheUniverse #MACbackstagePH #MACxMISSUNIVERSE #makeupbyRBCHANCO #usingMACcosmetics

A photo posted by RB A. CHANCO (@rbchanco) on

Belle of the ball. #MissUniverse

A photo posted by Iris Mittenaere (@missuniverse) on

Beauty, grace, confidence, intelligence. These are the qualities embodied by your 65th #MissUniverse, Iris Mittenaere.

A video posted by Iris Mittenaere (@missuniverse) on

Felicitations. You are #MissUniverse.

A video posted by Iris Mittenaere (@missuniverse) on

The passing of the crown: Let the journey begin for Iris Mittenaere. #MissUniverse

A photo posted by Iris Mittenaere (@missuniverse) on

Past or present, always #MissUniverse. ??

A photo posted by Iris Mittenaere (@missuniverse) on

RB’s makeup work on the other candidates:

#MissThailand ?? @namtanlitaa #MACxMissUniverse #MACbackstagePH #MissUniverse #MissUniverseDressRehearsals

A photo posted by RB A. CHANCO (@rbchanco) on

@rbchanco ❤️?? thanks

A photo posted by Andrea Tovar (@andreatov) on

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Random Resemblances: Miss Universe 2016 Top 3 Winners and their Celebrity Lookalikes

About Author

RandomRepublika.com: Kate Adajar

Despite being in the field of brand marketing, Kate still nurtures her love for the arts through dabbling in creative hobbies such as illustration, visual design, makeup artistry, and cake decorating. Recently, she has also discovered a fondness for watercolor painting and calligraphy.

A self-confessed TV, lifestyle, and travel junkie, Kate utilizes Random Republika as a venue for her random thoughts and discoveries.

Follow my food and other random doodles via @sliceofk on Instagram.

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