So cute. Both dog lovers, Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza accepted the puppies from their fans all the way from California, the ALDUB MAIDEN California Chapter. The puppies were delivered by Ninj Inofinada who shared photos on Instagram (Featured image courtesy of her IG account).  Alden’s puppy was said to have been named Philip coming from the Bible verse Maine dedicated to him in a photo tweet, Philippians 1:3 and Maine’s was named Nini as this is her nickname for the Alden’s imaginary pet they keep on mentioning on Kalyeserye.


Phil and Nini ?❤? Gigil lang soyti? @aldenrichards02 ? #MrAndMrsSotto

A photo posted by Aldubfeeds (@aldubfeeds) on

Daddy, Mommy, Philip and Nini. Soooo adorable! ❤️

A photo posted by OFFICIAL AD | MD CALIFORNIA (@ofcaldub_calif) on

New family for Nini ❤️?

A photo posted by OFFICIAL AD | MD CALIFORNIA (@ofcaldub_calif) on

PART 3 ALDEN WITH PHILIP Baby na baby si Philip. Hihi ❤️ @aldenrichards02

A video posted by OFFICIAL AD | MD CALIFORNIA (@ofcaldub_calif) on

Sooooo kiliggg he is loving Philip's company. Giving him a puppy was so worth it. ❤️ © @gentlecradle

A photo posted by OFFICIAL AD | MD CALIFORNIA (@ofcaldub_calif) on

Achuchuchu. ? Ankyut. ? © – Maine Mendoza | Snapchat #aldub #aldubnation #maiden #maichard #mainemendoza #aldenrichards #yayadub

A photo posted by Maine Mendoza | Snapchat (@divinaursulasc) on

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