The warmest (coldest?) welcome: Korean ice cream freezer! 🙂

by: K

As I type this entry, my hair is still damp and I have yet to fix my stuff from my first Korean spa experience. I’ve always been curious about the whole spa thing because of all the Korean films and series I’ve watched. I couldn’t wait to finally wear the headphone-looking towel (or as my friend described it, bunny ears!) I see Koreans using while eating grilled eggs. 🙂
While the momentum is on, I’m sharing with you how my day went at Lasema Spa through the random photos I got earlier. I’m not sure if there’s an official guide in doing Jjim Jil Bang but I’ll take you through the series of steps I took.

First off, you might be wondering, what is Jjim Jil Bang?

Lasema Spa’s brochure gives the answer 😉
At the reception, you’ll be issued a locker key, a uniform set of T-shirt and shorts (pink for females and gray for males), and 2 medium-sized towels (it might be a good idea to bring your own if you’re used to using big ones).
Basic rules posted outside
You’ll be asked to take your shoes off before
entering the women’s locker area. 
It’s cool that the key holder is in the form of a wrist watch so you’ll
have less chances of losing it. The P700-fine should be enough
to make you hold on to your key.
The same key holder will serve as your
mode of payment when buying food inside. 

They’ll punch in your purchases to be paid later.
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The lockers

There are wet and dry saunas. I chose to go to the dry saunas first so I changed into the pink shirt and shorts and brought a towel with me to the Jjim Jil Bang Area.

Before you reach the saunas, you’ll find a door to an in-house Korean restaurant, a common area, an internet cafe, and a snack bar.
Internet Cafe (But I didn’t really see anyone using the computers)
Common area for both men and women.
I wanted so much to have my favorite Korean meals but I’m still on the HCG diet.
My journey with that one will have a separate entry soon.
There are three saunas available with varying temperatures. A kind staff member advised that I start with the one with the lowest temperature so my body will gradually adjust to the heat. Before moving to the next one, she advised that I spend around 5 to 10 minutes of rest time first. I took the rest time to grab a drink (it’s NOT allowed to bring your own food inside so you’ll need to purchase from the snack bar).
(Please excuse the resolution as I didn’t want to use flash inside.)
The signs on the doors state that cellphones, books, and magazines are not allowed inside. But I did see a middle-aged woman tinkering with her tablet inside the sauna room. 🙂
Again, it is recommended to have a 5 to 10-minute rest period in between sauna sessions. There are sleeping caves right across the sauna rooms.
The sleeping caves with mats and pillows
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You’ll find pillows like this inside the caves and sauna rooms.
There’s a light switch inside so I assume this is
where you can read during rest time.
My favorite part was this — the ICE ROOM! After sessions inside what felt like ovens, I was thrilled to get in what seemed like a fridge. 😉 From 73 degrees to -15, woohoo!
Near the ice room are the massage area
(where you can book your 1-hour massage)
and a smoking room.
I booked my 1-hour massage after cooling down at the ice room.
I waited for around 10-15 minutes as advised by the masseuse and 
then proceeded to the wet sauna area. 
Wet Sauna Area
I didn’t take photos inside out of respect to the ladies who were taking a shower. Just to give an idea,
aside from the wet sauna room, there are three pools inside — green tea (Hot), ginseng (Hot), and cold. The green tea and ginseng pools are 41 to 42 degrees hot. Ladies are advised to take a dip naked with hair tied up.
This is also where you’ll take a shower once you’re done. You can choose to bring your own toiletries but there’s a fragrant body wash inside.:) Before heading out, you can fix yourself at the grooming area. 
Aside from the basic grooming tools, you can rehydrate and weigh yourself too. 🙂 
I must say I’m definitely going back. 🙂
The complete spa and sauna package at Lasema is priced at P890 on weekdays and P990 on weekends. The good thing is, the spa often ties up with deal sites like Ensogo where I got my voucher for around half the price, P495.
Map to Lasema
Complete address:
Lasema Plaza
#7232 Malugay Street, Bel-Air, Makati City
Tel. No. 830-2222
How to make the Jjim jil bang head towels by

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