Without naming which TV network will air her travel-themed show, the Queen of All Media Kris Aquino shared on Facebook and Instagram her TV comeback project entitled Trip ni Kris. If the rainbow icon and multicolored hearts in her caption are clues, then we’re guessing the new show is airing on the Kapuso network GMA. This has yet to be confirmed though.
In one of Kris’ photo captions on Instagram, she said it felt strange not having Lui Andrada, Jasmin Pallera, and Darla Sauler (from her Kris TV team) with her while working on a travel-themed special but that “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” She also said in another caption of a photo showing her behind-the-scenes shots during taping that being away from TV work from months taught her to be grateful for that day. It does look like the Queen of Talk is so ready for comeback.
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