Did you find yourself humming the theme song even hours after watching Beauty and the Beast? Or are the visuals of Belle and the Beast dancing in the ballroom still playing in your head? Well, the fever is on. Aside from the record-breaking box-office sales, Disney’s classic theme song is also a hit on the airwaves. The song is being played everywhere and numerous covers have been popping up on social media. Here’s one we found that’s giving us the feels. American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez and singer-songwriter Matt Bloyd are behind this awesome collaboration.


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About Author

RandomRepublika.com: Kate Adajar

Despite being in the field of brand marketing, Kate still nurtures her love for the arts through dabbling in creative hobbies such as illustration, visual design, makeup artistry, and cake decorating. Recently, she has also discovered a fondness for watercolor painting and calligraphy.

A self-confessed TV, lifestyle, and travel junkie, Kate utilizes Random Republika as a venue for her random thoughts and discoveries.

Follow my food and other random doodles via @sliceofk on Instagram.

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