It’s been a week since 2016 officially started. Hooray for the new year!

I’ve finally finished completing my list of new goals for 2016. It’s quite a long list, but hopefully I can tick off each one before the year ends. Well, I do have plenty of time, right?

So here it is:

  1. Be comfortable to be alone. Have weekend me-times. Have my own room. Have dates with myself more frequently.
  2. Travel solo.
  3. Travel with family. Travel with friends. Travel with someone special. Travel to India. Climb a mountain. Or visit a temple. Meet a monk. Travel during autumn. Travel during winter.
  4. Go on a road tip.
  5. Do something new every Saturday. Do yoga. Read a book in Botanical Gardens. Bike around town. Ice skate. Visit a museum.
  6. Save money, 50% more than how I did last year.
  7. Lessen credit card usage. Use cash instead.
  8. Read 24 books. Find a favorite author.
  9. Reflect on my experiences at the end of each week and write my thoughts here in this online diary.
  10. Pray more. Thank God more.
  11. Be involved in more outreach programs. Find an organization that will be needing my help and time. Also give back to Manila and somewhere close to home.
  12. Be in the presence of kids in whatever form it is. Teach. Sing. Dance. Play. Impart some learnings. Feel like a kid again.
  13. Find a new job. One that I will fall in love with. And one that will love me back. Somewhere I can stay for more than 5 years. Get an increase from my current salary (by 20%) to finance all other things in this list (i.e. savings, travel, etc.).
  14. Exercise at least 4-5x a week. Hit my ideal weight and have a toned body by Q2.
  15. Strengthen the close friendships I already have. Meet and build new ones.
  16. Learn a new skill – how to speak Mandarin, how to code/graphic design, become a coffee barista/latte art
  17. Learn a new sport. Return back to swimming.
  18. Grow our blog to 1 million page views per month. Get the blog featured in a local magazine or TV show in relation to something of great inspiration or importance.
  19. Do cleansing diet once a month.
  20. Learn how to be a better cook. Master 10 Filipino dishes.
  21. Compete in a real dance competition. Get more active in my dance group. Learn advanced dance skills.
  22. Join a marathon.
  23. Never forget to drink vitamin c.
  24. People notice that I’m always rushing things in general. I’ll remember to take things slow. Savor the moment.
  25. Never to argue with my parents again, especially my mom. If I do, immediately ask sorry.
  26. Will take time to listen more: during conversations, arguments. In the office. At home. Or with friends.
  27. Will try to lessen being frank and being too straightforward. Learn what to say and what not to say to people.
  28. Will increase my patience, especially with the people I encounter day to day (e.g. service crew, etc.).
  29. Remain grateful with the little successes of every day, and even the failures.
  30. Always have 8 hour of sleep as much as possible.
  31. Lessen watching TV. Be more productive with the time that I have.
  32. Watch all the Oscar-nominated Best Picture films in 2015/2016.
  33. Watch a theatre play/musical.
  34. Watch a concert.
  35. Attend a local festival in the Philippines or somewhere new.
  36. Be cordial and kind to my most recent ex.
  37. Interview someone big (celebrity/politician/someone inspirational) for my blog.
  38. Remember to smile and laugh. Laugh really, really hard till my tummy aches.
  39. Celebrate New Year’s Eve in a foreign country (outside SG and the Philippines).
  40. Catch up with my former boss and life mentor (Sir Keren Pascual).
  41. Have full medical check up: cholesterol, sugar, etc.
  42. Go to the dentist more than 2x this year.
  43. Never get drunk again with a hangover the next day. Drunk yes; hangover no.
  44. Go clubbing again, at least once (or twice). And just dance, dance like nobody’s watching.
  45. Open up to the idea of dating someone new.
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About Author Paolo Avis

Living abroad for more than half a decade now, Paolo works in Singapore as a sales and marketing manager for a luxury travel publication. His creative urges can’t always be contained, hence photography, video documentaries, and blogging are his go-to forms of artistic release. Since he didn’t get to pursue TV production after getting a degree in Communication, Paolo now turns to Random Republika as an outlet to keep himself updated and to share his thoughts on what’s happening in showbiz and beyond. Follow his other stories via Instagram (@bigbluefish).

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